
The idea of kids selling Lemonade in the summer has been going on in every community for ages. But what if kids got organized and sold more than kool-aid? What if they were given the tools to start their own small business at the Farmers’ Market. That is what the Marketeers program is all about.

The Market manager goes into a school and gives a talk about the Farmers Market to students. They get to ask questions and get answers. They get a field trip to the market to take pictures, ask questions and take notes on what they find. They then have to develop a product, make a business plan with start up expenses and income needed and then they have to make their products. If it is a food product, they have to take and pass the Farmers Market Food Safety Course online through Alberta Health Services. (Grade 6+ recommended age)

They then have to display their products. Price them and market them for sale. They can do it for one week with their classmates or they can book more markets through the summer and continue as a summer business. We have partnered with Holy Trinity Academy Grade 9 students & Drayton Christian School grades 4-6 in the past. The market has changed hours from daytime to afterschool so the field trip portion is now at the discretion of parents.

Teachers or parents interested in this program may contact the manager to set it up for their school or family. Course will be offered at the Ag Building on a Saturday for students wishing to try it out as a summer job.


Li’l Sprouts Kids Club