Fall Harvest Market & Christmas Market

The Drayton Valley Farmers’ Market holds one of it’s largest markets of the year before the days go dark, the roads get bad, the weather worsens and the snowbirds fly south. The local tradition continues with the Fall Harvest market celebrating the end of the seasons produce and the Canadian Thanksgiving held the first weekend in October. There are usually close to 100 tables with a huge selection of goods. Specialty crafters need time to make special orders so if you want that personalized, homemade gift for Christmas, don’t miss this market. Featuring local Alberta foods, alcohols and fine artisans of all kinds.

The Christmas Market brings the Farmers’ Market back to town just in time for Christmas. Get your baking, perogies, party supplies of meat and cheese or order company gift baskets for your clients. You will get a variety of liquor vendors made in Alberta as well as specialty artisans who only come out once a year. Remember, these products are all handmade and it will take these artists the year to create, design, craft and supply for these large markets. Be prepared to get specialty one of a kind items.


Li’l Sprouts Kids Club